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Hadise-My Body

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Yaş : 30 Kayıt tarihi : 18/02/09 Mesaj Sayısı : 149 Nerden :

Hadise-My Body Vide
MesajKonu: Hadise-My Body Hadise-My Body EmptyPerş. Şub. 19, 2009 1:49 pm

Here we are, alone in a room
only dressed by a shadow, me and you.
My lips are dry, better kiss me quick
.. Just put some pressure on it.

That's it, right there
That's it, right there

Tangled tongs, dancing aroud
your handson my skin, going down.
You got me weak in my knees, I cannot control this
You got me tamed, not many men can do this.

You know my body, like nobody
Never felt so naughty, oh boy you got it
We don't need no bed, at least not yet
It feels so good, when it's unexpected

Light as a feather, your fingertips
searching my body
You got me weak in my knees, I cannot control this
You got me tamed, not many men can do this.

You know my body, like nobody
Never felt so naughty, oh boy you got it
We don't need no bed, at least not yet
It feels so good, when it's unexpected

I feel so good (so good, so good,so good)
I feel so good (I feel so good)

You know my body, like nobody
Never felt so naughty, oh boy you got it
We don't need no bed, at least not yet
It feels so good, when it's unexpected

You know my body, like nobody (your touch)
Never felt so naughty, oh boy you got it (your lips)
We don't need no bed, at least not yet (your featherlight fingertips)
It feels so good, when it's unexpected ( and it feels so good)

That's it, right there
That's it, right there
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Yaş : 29 Kayıt tarihi : 19/02/09 Mesaj Sayısı : 238 Nerden :

Hadise-My Body Vide
MesajKonu: Geri: Hadise-My Body Hadise-My Body EmptyCuma Şub. 20, 2009 9:19 pm

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Hadise-My Body

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